
Need a custom logo?

There is a good chance you love the logo that comes with your domain, but it just doesn't quite work for your specific use case or industry. No sweat! Whether you need it slightly customized or designed from scratch, we've got your back.

  A Little Tweak — $195

We will work with you to update the current logo. Add, remove, twist, turn already existing elements to truly make it yours.
  • Changes to current logo
  • One revision
  • High-res and print ready files
  • Color variations


  A Major Leap — $595

We will research your market and competitors and work with you through multiple creative rounds until you're happy.
  • A brand new logo concept
  • Multiple revisions
  • High-res and print ready files
  • Color variations + social media kit

How do I set up a domain email?

Setting up a business email for your domain (e.g. john@yourdomain.com) is one of the very first things you should do after launching your product or service online. Assuming you already own a domain name and can edit its DNS settings, here's a step by step guide on how to do it (completely free of charge) using the Yandex.Mail service:

  • Visit https://passport.yandex.com and create an account.
  • When finished, login using the username and password you just set up.
  • Once logged in, type in your domain under Connect your business domain to get started.
  • Click Accept and connect, and follow the instructions to verify your domain.
  • After verification, make sure to configure DKIM signatures on your domain's DNS on the same page and click Users in the menu on the left side.
  • Click Add users, fill out the form and make sure to enter john in the Username field or whatever else you want your main mailbox to be and click Save.
  • Click Settings in the menu on the left side, select the email you just created under Mailbox for lost emails and click Save. Now all the emails sent to @yourdomain.com will end up in your inbox.
  • Finally, create a new mailbox for the email handle you just created by typing in john@yourdomain.com as the login and upon registration you'll end up in your brand new mailbox. From that point on, you can both send and receive emails using your domain. Additionally, you can set up IMAP or POP3 clients or create a wide range filters from the mailbox settings menu.

Where can I trademark my name?

The simplest way to register a trademark is on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's website, uspto.gov. If you are registering the tradermark in the UK, you can do it on gov.uk, and if you're trademarking your name in the European Union, please visit euipo.europa.eu.