All our domain names are available to be purchased via 12 monthly installments. This is how it works:
After you have paid the first month's installment, we will mark the domain as sold and keep it in our escrow account until it is paid off. We'll also share domain access with you, so you can easily point it to your website, or set up email. You can fully control the DNS of the domain as long as your monthly installments are current.
To manage your DNS records, we highly recommend Cloudflare:
You can pay off the outstanding balance for your domain name to own it sooner. There is no extra cost for doing this. If you'd like to pay off your installments sooner, please get in touch.
You can cancel anytime with no penalty or obligation to pay. If you cancel or stop making your payments early, you will no longer have access to the domain's DNS. We will terminate your access to the domain and offer it for sale again.
Unfortunately, we do not offer any money back if you decide to cancel early. While you don't have any obligation to pay the full balance of your installment plan, there are no refunds if the plan is cancelled. It is just like you have rented the name exclusively for the period of time you were making payments.
We understand that payments can fail for a wide range of reasons, such as an expiring credit card. If an installment payment fails, we will notify you via email. If you do not complete the payment within 7 days of your due date your installment plan will be cancelled and we will list the domain for sale again.
Annual renewals are included in the price for the duration of your installment payments. Once your name is paid off and is in your possession, you are responsible for the annual renewal fees.